MILIA, Skin Tag, Sebaceous Hyperplasia & Ruby Point REMOVAL
The Vasculyse is a non-invasive device that uses electro coagulation to safely and instantly eliminate skin blemishes from almost anywhere on the face and body.
Such blemishes include
Hyperpigmentation (sun or age spots),
Spider veins (broken capillaries / fine red lines)
Ruby points
Skin Tags, Milia & Cholesterol deposits
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Our Medical Estheticians can remove several blemishes within 1 to 3 treatments, safely and effectively.

Small healthy capillaries are responsible for cell nutrition. As they deteriorate, they affect the appearance and function of the skin. The Vasculyse uses a mild current to stimulate coagulation within the distended capillary. This process is called Capillary Coalysis. The body then absorbs and permanently eliminates the distended capillary from the body. New capillaries replace the damaged capillaries thus improving the appearance of the skin!
During the treatment our clinical staff uses a disposable sterile stylus over the treatment area gently caressing the skin and following the skin blemish. Most vascular blemishes disappear on contact and most conditions are treated successfully within 1 to 3 treatments!
What causes capillary dilation?
congenital weakness of blood vessel walls
affects mostly fair skinned individuals
External Skin Aggressions
sun exposure
sauna, excessive heat
injuries (contusions, abrasions, wounds)
aggressive comedon extraction (pinching)
retinol A (extended external use)
chemical peels (heat induced treatments)
aging (loss of tissue elasticity)
surgery (telangiectasia in scar tissue)
Hormonal Causes
high estrogen levels
pregnancy (increased blood volume)
Health Problems
high blood pressure
scleroderma, lupus, chronic hepatitis, Reynaud's
alcoholism (alcohol dilates blood vessels and causes premature aging and loss of elasticity in tissues)
oral contraceptives (hormonal influence/estrogen)
vaso-dilators (usually prescribed for coronary health problems)
drastic and rapid changes in temperature (from cold outdoors to hot sauna)
extreme heat
harsh cold temperatures blush the cheeks and nose
hot and spicy foods
strenuous exercise
What to expect after the treatment?
Correct aftercare must be followed and will be explained. The body’s lymphatic and circulatory systems will eliminate any coagulated capillaries by phagocytosis. Blood flow will be redirected into neighboring capillaries. Any tiny scabs will heal within 3 to 21 days. There is never any scarring. The eliminated capillary is eventually replaced by a new, healthy capillary thus improving the skin’s health.
What can I do to prepare for my treatment?
Drink plenty of water before and after your treatment, avoid caffeine 1-2 hours prior to treatment, and keep your treated area’s skin moisturized (preferably with polysporin ointment post treatment).